Our Calling from Above: Amani’s Ongoing Mission
Amani was called into fruition in 1996, with the creation of hand sewn placemats by just four women. Now, Amani employs over 200 women in Kenya, Uganda and America. This growth was not an expectation, but rather a blessing. Amani serves as a sewing and reconciliation program for marginalized women in Africa. In addition to learning practical skills allowing for financial stability, women from a diverse range of African nations and cultures join to work together, sharing a common belief that God provided them with peace transcending cultural and ethnic differences.
At Amani, we’re devoted to holistic development, aiding women by supplying education and experience in stitching, quality control, purchasing, bookkeeping, management and design. With every woman that enters our program, they immediately gain a mentor to walk them through quality workmanship, ethical business practices and mutually harmonious relationships.
So how exactly has Amani’s unexpected calling resulted?
Relationships built upon God’s peace actively transforms the most troubled lives, and through the skills and talents of women, we have the ability to produce an extensive selection of high-quality items. Fair trade handbags, home and kitchen decor, women’s apparel and children’s items are all crafted with beautiful African fabric immediately recognized for their rich and vibrant colors and motifs.
With consistent product sales through our retail outlets, the growth and development of Amani’s training program is capable of continuation. Additionally, we work with local artisans to supply specific home good products and jewelry. These partnerships promote local creativity and talent, while furthering our mission of spreading peace and building and ethical enterprise.
Amani is called to serve as much more than a home decor shop. We take our mission as an immense responsibility placed on us from above, and continue to spread peace every day through each woman and product stitched.